Other corporate bodies

Other Corporate bodies

Board Secretary: Federica Capoccia

Executive in charge of drawing up the company’s accounting documents
During the meeting held on 16 May, 2022, the Board of Directors appointed the Executive in charge of drawing up the Company’s accounting documents, Silvia Marchesoli, a company executive in possession of the necessary requisites as well as proven experience with regard to accounting and financial matters. Silvia Marchesoli will remain in office until the approval of the financial statements at 31.12.2024.

Director in charge of the system of internal control and risk management
In the new Board of Directors appointed on 16 May, 2022, the Chief Executive Officer Davide Rota has taken over the duties as Director in charge of the system of internal control and risk management.

Supervisory body
At the meeting of 16 May, 2022, the Board of Directors appointed the new Supervisory Body of the Company, composed of Maurizio Piras and Francesca Marino. The Supervisory Body is a central element of the Organizational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, which verifies the efficiency and correct application. To guarantee independence and effectiveness of the Body’s action, it is composed of two qualified members external to the Company. The office of the Supervisory Body will expire with the approval of the financial statements as at 31.12.2024.

Maurizio Piras (Chairman)
Francesca Marino

Chief Internal Audit
At the meeting held on 16 May, 2022, the Board of Directors appointed Francesca Marino as the head of the Internal Audit function. This figure assists the Director in charge of the internal control system and collaborates with the Supervisory Body and the Risk Control Committee as well as with the other functions in charge of the Company’s internal control system. The office will expire with the approval of the financial statements as at 31.12.2024.


Appointments and Remuneration Committee
During the Board Meeting held on 16 May, 2022, the new Appointments and Remuneration Committee was appointed; the Company, in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Listed Companies, opted for a single Committee which performs its functions both with regard to appointments and remuneration. The Committee makes proposals to the Board of Directors for the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer and the other Directors who cover specific offices. Furthermore, it makes proposals with regard to the appointments and remuneration of the Company’s senior management and other corporate figures. The Committee aids the Board of Directors in the preparation and implementation of any remuneration plans based on shares or financial instruments and assesses the adequacy and application of the Remuneration Policy and the related annual report. It is made up of three independent members.

Serena Torielli (Chairwoman)
Maurizia Squinzi
Sara Testino

Control and Risk Committee and Related Party Transactions Committee
During the Board Meeting held on 16 May, 2022 the new Control and Risk Committee was appointed. The Committee is in charged with the task of supporting, on the basis of an adequate control process, the evaluations and decisions to be made by the Board of Directors in relation to the internal control and risk management system, as well as to the approval of the periodical financial reports.
It is made up of three non-executive independent members Directors. At the aforementioned meeting of 16 May, 2022, it was also decided that the Control and Risk Committee would also be in charge of the Related Party Transactions Committee.

Maurizia Squinzi (Chairwoman)
Sara Testino
Serena Torielli

Independent Auditors

On May 30th 2017, the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting appointed Deloitte & Touche S.p.A as auditor for the years 2017- 2025.