Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Tiscali S.p.A. July 2017

Single call: July 28 2017, 11 a.m.

Procedure for participation and voting by proxy

Those who have sent the Company the communication of the qualified broker which bears witness to the right to vote, on the basis of the records relating to the deadline of the accounting date May 19 2017 (record date), are entitled to take part in the shareholders’ meeting. Those who emerge as holders of shares subsequent to the afore-mentioned date shall not have the right to take part and vote in the shareholders’ meeting.

Each individual entitled may arrange for themselves to be represented during the shareholders’ meeting by means of proxy granted in accordance with the law, with the faculty to use the proxy form available on this web page or which will be sent to those who request as such via fax message using the following number: 070.4601482.

Right to submit questions before the shareholders’ meeting

The Shareholders can submit questions on the business on the agenda also before the meeting, by means of sending a letter addressed to Tiscali S.p.A., Località Sa Illetta, s.s. 195 km. 2300 09123 Cagliari, Italy or via certified e-mail to the address ufficiolegale.tiscali@legalmail.it. The request must be accompanied by the details of the requesting party (name and surname or company name in the event of an entity or company, place and date of birth, and tax code).

Those who confirm ownership of shares as at July 19 2017 (record date), have the right to obtain an answer. For such purposes, the depositary broker, even after the question is posed, must produce a communication which is effective until the afore-mentioned date bearing witness to the ownership of the shares of the requesting party, addressed to tiscali@pecserviziotitoli.it.. In the event the shareholder has requested their depositary broker for the communication proving the right to take part in the shareholders’ meeting, it will be sufficient to include the references of this communication in the request, which may be made by the broker or, at least, the corporate name of said broker.

The questions received by July 25 2017, having checked their pertinence and the requesting party’s right, shall be answered as indicated by said party (by fax or e-mail) or, at the latest, during the meeting itself.

Right to add items to the agenda

Shareholders who, also jointly, represent at least one fortieth of the share capital may request, by July 7 2017, the integration of the list of business to be dealt with or present additional proposals on the business already on the agenda.

The requests must be made in writing and sent via registered letter with advice of receipt to Tiscali S.p.A., Località Sa Illetta, s.s. 195 km. 2300 09123 Cagliari, Italy – FAO Legal Department, or via certified e-mail to the address ufficiolegale.tiscali@legalmail.it, and must reach the Company by the above deadline, accompanied by a report on the business which is proposed be discussed or on the additional proposals.

The declaration of ownership of the shares owned by the applicant Shareholders as well as the investment holding necessary for requesting that business be added must emerge from a specific communication produced by the depositary broker, with effect as from the date of said request, addressed to tiscali@pecserviziotitoli.it.


All the shareholders’ meeting documentation shall be made available, by the legal deadlines, care of the Company’s registered office, on this web page and on the authorised storage mechanism BitMarket Service SDIR-NIS circuit.

Information on the share capital

The share capital, amounting to EUR 91.200.922,89 is represented by 3,145,281,893 ordinary shares lacking par value.

Shareholders’ Extraordinary Meeting Minutes

Synthetic statements Findings Shareholders’ Extraordinary Meeting

The Shareholders’ Extraordinary Meeting approves the share capital increase up to 13 millions of Euros

Independent Auditors Opinion


Notice of Call EGM

Report Agenda EGM